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The first safety secretary for the General Union of Electrical Workers

– A press statement by the union’s strategic partner in holding the conference, Eng. Walid Atwan

April 28 falls on April 28 – recognized by the International Labor Organization, since 2003. This day aims to demonstrate the right of workers to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases at the global level.

It is a campaign to raise awareness, intended to focus international attention on the extent of the problem and on how to promote and create a culture of health and safety that can help reduce the number of deaths and injuries related to the workplace. A safe and healthy work environment is a basic principle and a right to work, as of June 2022. The International Labor Conference decided to include a “safe and healthy work environment” in the ILO’s framework of fundamental principles and rights at work. On April 28, 2023, the International Labor Organization celebrated this decision.

From here, the idea of establishing a conference on occupational safety and health in electrical energy systems and operations emerged, given the large number of accidents in the electrical energy sectors and an effort to activate the care of safety systems in most operations in the sector, especially after the Corona pandemic, and then seeking to raise the level of concern for the lives of workers.

Based on the directives of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein, may God protect and preserve him, regarding the necessity of providing an atmosphere of job stability, a safe and secure work environment, and the provision of occupational safety and health conditions, and the modern legislation this requires that achieves harmony with international labor standards, and we enter the modern era with confident steps and strong determination. Decent job opportunities are a basic foundation upon which the conference relies to make occupational safety an approach and a way of life.

Accordingly, this conference came about…which covers various topics related to occupational safety and health in electrical energy systems and operations, the impact of climate change and the transition to green energy on energy workers, and then success stories presented by leading companies in this sector about ideal safety practices and its impact on energy systems. Electrical energy operations, workers, and its impact on the national economy as well.